Spring Network Check in

Thursday, April 18th at 6pm

To get the link register – HERE

In Spanish and English

VASEN continues to bring together those seeking to build a new economy for VA. An economy that is based in our collective liberation and allows are communities to thrive. With that we are inviting you to join us for our Spring Network call. These take place quarterly, to share all that great work that is going on around Virginia and think together about how we might achieve collective goals.

Our tentative agenda for this call is:

6:05-6:15 Welcome & Introductions 

6:15-6:30 News from our Communities (Everyone is invited to give a quick update)

6:30-7:00 Strengthening our Networks

7:00-7:25 Offers and Needs Market 

7:25-7:30 Closing 

Some news we’re excited to discuss are Braiding Sweetgrass Reading Group, the Development of a Worker Coop Development Center, the Care Collective, and some grant money that VASEN has recieved.

We will also discuss plans and topics for our upcoming Learn-ins.

We look forward to hearing your input about these topics and how they’re impacting you! Plus, feel free to bring other ideas to the table.

The networks calls are an opportunity to support our collective solidarity, explore the work we are each leading, and find ways to connect resources.

We are working on procuring language justice services for this call so please feel welcome if you are not a native English speaker. 

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